Gene Trippers
The four-day Gene Allcott Trip to New York City is awarded annually to a dozen outstanding rising seniors at SCAD-Atlanta. The faculty advisor for the trip is Professor Carl Linstrum; former advisors include Professor Larry Anderson. Previously these trips went to Washington, DC (1997), New Orleans (1998) and Chicago (1999), organized by John Farkas.
Exhibited at MOMA!
Gene’s BAT Boy Up at MOMA
Aware of Gene’s prankster side, SCAD Professor Larry Anderson exhibits his work (briefly) at NYC’s Museum of Modern Art.
200+ Students, 20 Years
Insights into NYC art scene
Chrissy Crawford, founder of, gives students pointers on reaching NYC galleries. Kathleen Griffith (Gene’s niece, on left) hosted the event.
"How profound and life-changing this kind of experience can be!” says Carl Linstrum, Allcott New York Trip Faculty Leader and SCAD professor of Foundation Studies. “It has been so great to see how the Trippers have been inspired and energized by this total immersion into one of the top art centers in the world. The effects are immediate and lasting. I still have students from several years ago who reach out to me to share how this experience has informed their work and life! I'm honored and humbled to a be a part of this with them."
Visiting the William Louis-Dreyfus Gallery
Professor Larry Anderson on the Louis-Dreyfus Gallery experience: “The students really enjoyed taking the trip to the Dreyfus collection. They talked about being given the chance to see something that special they would normally not have access to. And George Boorujy is as intelligent and nice as his drawings are beautiful. For me the pleasure was double, both seeing such wonderful art and also watching the students get excited about looking. The family of Gene Allcott has given a gift of amazing joy to all the lucky participants.”
For more information, read about the William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation Collection or in ArtNet News how “Billionaire William Louis-Dreyfus gifts $50 Million Art Collection to Harlem Kids.
A Lifetime of Inspiration
“I had an amazing time in New York. it was the most eye-opening experience I've had in my journey of art thus far. This trip gave me a much clearer path in my next steps in life, and I left with a lifetime supply of energy and inspiration.” — Markeidric
Sitting Inside a Camera!
“When I started thinking about all the things I am so grateful for this year, I thought immediately about the Allcott trip to New York. The skyscrapers, the countless numbers of people on the street, the culture, and the immense amount of art. At the MET I was face to face with Diane Arbus prints and brought to tears. Arbus' work was one of my main inspirations for pursing my dreams in photography.
My most memorable experience, though, was at the Whitney. The room, which was turned into a Camera Obscura, overwhelmed me with happiness. Getting to literally sit inside a "camera" and the feeling it brought me double confirmed my passion for the art and science of photography. I sat inside that space for an hour and a half.
My life is forever changed and my eyes are wide open! —Erin B.
I will never forget going to New York for the first time. Never in a million years did I think I would see Picasso's Les Demoiselles d' Avignon or The Dance by Matisse, in up-close. The trip was unforgettable. —Sean A.
A Brush Up with Cézanne
I was blown away by New York. I saw works I had only seen in textbooks and they became real to me. As a painting major, I finally saw the work of my favorite painter, Paul Cézanne. I remember feeling choked up when I first noticed one of his paintings across the room. I examined the brushstrokes and imagined what it would be like to have painted these works. All I see is opportunities now. —Andrew M.
Talented Gene Trip Winners: 20+ Years
Specialities represented: painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, computer animation, communication design, drawing, graphic design, electronic arts and interior design.
“Having been involved with the Gene Allcott NYC trip from its inception at The Atlanta College of Art, I am constantly amazed at the transformation of our student “Trippers” visually, emotionally and intellectually as a result of their whirlwind interactions with the art and artists of New York. The students now return to SCAD Atlanta with new-found ideas and the energy and motivation to move their own art forward in incredible ways. Having known Gene, I know he would be more than pleased with the fruit of his legacy. He has touched so many of us in so many ways.” —Tom Francis, SCAD Atlanta Professor and Associate Chair of Painting
2019, New York, Professor Carl Linstrum, faculty advisor: Carter Flachbarth (Painting), Dania Andrea Gonzalez (Painting), Alisandra Nicole Vega (Painting), Caroline Wallis (Painting), Jordan Beshore (Photography), Maria F. Musica Cervera (Photography), Kenedee Ann Hodges (Photography), Gabriella Vinessa Wyke (Photography), Salinas Emily Aragon (Sculpture), Tyrani Milks (Sculpture), Alexa Isabel Pineda (Sculpture)
2018, New York, Professor Carl Linstrum, faculty advisor: Munirah Smith-Gray, Nam Kim, Soo Kim, Madison Mae Stroud, Kendra Willis, Samantha Moore, Mackenzie Proof, Sarah Jane May, Gabriel Watkins, Joana Vargas, Zachary, Michael Blair, Hannah Pasadec
2017, New York, Professor Carl Linstrum, faculty advisor: Jialu Chen, Justin Hale, Santiago Bejarano, Sylvia Haanschoten, Acquire Dunkley, Gabrielle Arduino, Heather Ann Chambers, Jason Scholtz, Miya Spruell, Angela Chiappori, Debbie Canil, Marianne Lim
2016, New York, Associate Dean Kent Knowles, faculty advisor + Dean Dale Clifford: Georgia Sedmak, Joy Garrett Douglas, Elizabeth Joan Paull, Sally Burns, Da Eun Kang, Madison Koeneke, Elli Burris, Rachel Braun, Melina Taylor, Eli Cole Matson, Julisiah Toney, Halie Ann Graham
2015, New York, Professors Larry Anderson and Chris Revelle: Renuka Adhav, Katie Ann Beall, Mitchell Biggio, Richard Boeh, Abby Bullard, Kamal Browne, Claire Cardwell, Christian Cody, LuAnne DeMeo, Nancy Juarez, Man Lam Le Tan, Brian Lowery, Julie Miller, Amanda Platner, Diana Sanchez, Nicole Stewart, Sarah Slick, Jennie Waits, Symone Walker, Lok Hin Wong
2013-14, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor:
2012-13, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor:
2012, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Sara Hemingway, printmaking, Meredith Baker, printmaking, Anthony Cerilli, sculpture, Jen Plourde, sculpture, Patric Ryan Pair, painting, Shanequa Gay, painting, Natalie Esccobar, painting, Anna Akpele, photo, Dylan Fagan, photo
2011, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Kristina Thalin, Mona Al Marzouqi, Dara M. Dyer, Shelley Dubois, Colleen Cameron, Melissa Lorena Montes, Josh Epperson, Andrew Munoz, Nathan Sherratt
2010, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Duncan Shirah, Courtney Reardon, Ashley Kauschinger, Chelsea Smith, Sarah Perez, Kelly Gilmore, Kathryn Hartmann, Dimitri Crowder
2009, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Morgan Alexander, Rachel Carlson, Seana Reilly, Sean Ethan Abrahams, Katherine Elaine Cooper, Anne Dillon, Amiynah Hanna, Cassie Lyle
2008, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor, along with Dean Teresa Griffis and Brett Osborn: Benjamin MeGeehee, Jim Kim, Ting-Ying Han, Kelly Cloninger, Arthur Edwards, Sarabeth Noggle, Caitlin Leigh Bates
2006-07, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Lisa Kittel, Kathleen O'Connor, Caroline Powers, Tasha Tavaras, Anne Dillon, Amiynah Hanna, Cassie Lyle
2001, New York, Larry Anderson, faculty advisor: Sonali Sridhar, David Fish, Erica Malmsten, Yeon Joo Bae, Alyssa Petro, Dane Thompson, Lucas Causey, Nicole Conti
1999, Chicago, John Farkas, Atlanta College of Art, faculty advisor: Andy Weeks, Jessica Centrangelo, Damon Kelley, Philip Aitken, Kathleen Ramadan, Hillary Hess, Meredith McReynolds, Gene Keserica
1998, New Orleans, John Farkas, ACA faculty advisor: Steve Hidook, Melanie Rabon, Layla Jupin, Danielle Killingworth, Robert Patterson, Ian Brownlee, Sean Ahern, Holly Jo White
1997, Washington, DC, John Farkas, ACA faculty advisor: Joe Williams, Craig Hill, Jason Bradford, Michael Sheppard, Brent Weston, Paige Knight, Nathaniel Davis, Jena Jones